ISC2 Central Ohio Chapter - SMBA
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(Masters of Beer Appreciation) Some of the benefits of attending the Security MBA:
The Security MBA meets the first Monday monthly in the Central Ohio area to share information of relevance to the Information Security and associated fields.
We discuss emergent threats over pints of good beer, and have been doing so since 2004. Even better, the beer is usually free, thanks to our corporate sponsors.
As the Information Security field is broad, so are the range of topics, which include network, host and application security, privacy, law, cryptography, copyrights & patents, physical security, fire suppression, DR/BCP, ethics, forensic, biometrics, identity management, firearms, project management, development, data integrity, records retention and storage, optics, chemistry, hacking, red teams, DHS, NSA, FBI, ATF, etc. And beer. We operate under the rule.
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